Ministry is an essential at Holy Redeemer and in fact, it is the heartbeat of the church. Our parishioners devote time, talent and treasure to ensure service to the church and the general community.
This ministry invites men, women and youth to share the gift of song as cantors, adult choir members, and young adult choir members to serve at mass. Our choirs are an integral part of the ministry within the church. A love of song and commitment to spreading the goods is required to fulfill this ever growing ministry.
The liturgical decorators and sacristans are responsible in assisting in preparing the church prior to and after each celebration of the Mass. The liturgical decoration committee offers parishioners the opportunity to assist in the preparation of our church worship space weekly, seasonally or as needed. An artistic eye is of great value on this committee. Sacristans help maintain adequate inventory and supplies for all liturgical functions.
Are you, or someone you know, expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Are you, or someone you know baptized as a child, but has not received the two other sacraments of initiation: the Eucharist and Confirmation? Call the rectory for registration. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) will prepare you in our faith.
The Parish Pastoral Council assists the pastor in his leadership role of planning, organizing, initiating, promoting, coordinating as well as reviewing the evangelization, worship, religious education and service activities within the parish. The Council assesses the needs of the whole parish and its members, developing and implementing a pastoral plan to promote the common good of the parish. Membership on this Council is composed of both elected and appointed members of the parish.
The Finance Council advises the pastor concerning the administration of the parish finances and gives a detailed annual report to the parish. The emphasis is on stewardship through the use of time, talent, and treasure.
The Coordinator of Religious Education is Bernadette Poitier assisted by Andrea Green. In order to grow in the Catholic faith, we must be a part of God’s team. Our School of Religion and CCD program seeks to expose everyone to a variety of Catholic spiritual traditions during the course of the year. Families are encouraged and invited to have their children participate in this integral faith filled experience.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are confirmed members of the parish who assist the clergy in carrying Holy Communion to the sick and shut-in members of the parish. They also participate at weekend and weekday Masses by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ.
Lectors are members of the parish who participate in liturgical celebrations by proclaiming the Word of God and reading Prayers of the Faithful during Mass and special feast days. Through the Lector, God continues to feed his people at the table of the Lord.
Ushers and Greeters are asked to help prepare the church to welcome members and visitors for our sacred worship of God. This ministry as a ministry of hospitality, is responsible for greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the church and addressing any needs they may have during worship service. They may distribute liturgy aids, direct people to seats, take up collections, and distribute the parish bulletin. Men and women are invited to serve the parish in this capacity.
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