
Holy Redeemer Societies

At Holy Redeemer, we welcome one and all to be a part of various societies established within the church. These groups are dedicated to doing good work within the church and its community. Please see below for a list of active societies.Click on Read More to get involved.

Youth Group

This organization helps our youth to attain their full human potential. It provides opportunities for young people to develop their Catholic identity, strong moral character, self-esteem and leadership qualities through a variety of spiritual, social, educational, recreational, and service activities. They partake in events such as feeding the homeless, attending retreats, and preparing well for the Youth Mass on the third Sunday accompanied by liturgical dance.

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Knights of St. Peter Claver

This is the largest and oldest predominantly African American Catholic Fraternal Organization in the World. Mother Katharine Drexel Court No. 288 was established in the Archdiocese of Miami in August, 1987. The members of Court 288 are from various Catholic Parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Members collectively participate in various parish and community activities, promote civic improvement and social justice, and serve the parishes in different capacities. Members also actively participate in fundraising activities to award scholarships and support annual educational initiatives.

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Holy Redeemer Church is revitalizing her evangelization commitment by reactivating her evangelization committee. There is emphasis on outreach. It is the mission of all members of the Church to practice their faith with enthusiasm, to invite others to share their faith, and to transform society. Evangelization should be at the heart of our individual and communal call to bear witness to Christ. More efforts will be made to reach out to the alienated, inactive, and unchurched.


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Men's Club

 The men’s club promotes friendly relations among the men of the parish, assists with the maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds, sponsors the Mother’s Day Brunch and Men’s Day Program, and participates in all activities and projects of the parish. The club provides mentoring to the younger men within the church and is active at the parish barbecue.

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Catholic Adults

This is a spiritual, cultural and social organization open to all adult women of the parish. The organization meets on the third Sunday of the month following 9:00 a.m. mass. It sponsors the Easter basket project, Graduation brunch, Back-to-School Book Bag project, co-sponsors the Father’s Day Brunch, and participates in all activities and projects of the parish.

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St. Margaret Mary Guild

The Guild practices and promotes the spirit of prayer, service and love. Members serve spiritual and practical needs of the sick, homebound and bereaved members of the parish. The members are seasoned women that lead events such as prayer breakfast, fashion shows, Taste of the Town, among other events. Membership is open to the women of the parish.

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St. Vincent De Paul

This society ministers to people regardless of their background, ethnicity, or faith. The society’s purpose is to provide direct aid to those who suffer, and to help people help themselves. Society members use their own resources, sharing not only possessions, but the valuable gift of their presence. The society collaborates with others to develop and deliver programs as well as services that help those in need.


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The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued its Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Charter mandates that all dioceses in the US establish safe environment programs both for vulnerable adults and children.The Archdiocese of Miami selected the VIRTUS program to address these requirements.The aim of the VIRTUS program is to raise the consciousness of adults in how to identify and prevent child abuse. All volunteers (and staff) who work with children or the elderly are required to attend VIRTUS session and must complete a Criminal background Inquiry from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement(FDLE) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI). The Archdiocesan Office for the Protection of Children & Vulnerable Adults coordinates the fingerprinting program.

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PACT (People Acting for Community Together)

This is a community organization with members from many religious congregations. Our parish is a member of congregation of PACT. PACT members promote social and economic justice in Miami-Dade County through a variety of activities.

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