Reconciliation is a sacrament of healing and forgiveness. Individuals who have committed sins have the opportunity to confess them to a priest in the Sacrament of Confession. The priest, acting as a mediator, offers absolution and penance. This sacrament restores the individual's relationship with God and the Church and grants spiritual healing and renewal.
Reconciliation, also known as the "Sacrament of Confession" or "Penance," is a vital sacrament in the Catholic Church. It is a sacramental act of seeking God's forgiveness for sins committed after Baptism and reconciling with both God and the Church community. In this sacrament, a Catholic confesses their sins to a priest, receives absolution, and is offered spiritual guidance and penance to help them grow in faith and lead a more virtuous life. Reconciliation offers a profound opportunity for personal repentance, forgiveness, and the restoration of one's spiritual relationship with God.